In this workshop, we’ll try to understand why, when there are no clouds, the sky is blue. But is it really blue, or do our eyes just see it as blue? We’ll also find out why the setting sun is red.

Sophie van Eck
Sophie van Eck
In this workshop, we’ll try to understand why, when there are no clouds, the sky is blue. But is it really blue, or do our eyes just see it as blue? We’ll also find out why the setting sun is red.
Planetarium de Bruxelles / Sophie van Eck
In this VR show, we’ll travel from the inside of a cell phone to the farthest reaches of the Universe, to understand how the chemical elements that make it up were made at the heart of different types of stars. From the Big Bang to red giant stars, from supernovae to kilonovae, we’ll discover these astonishing stars that are the true alchemists of the universe.
Arjen Mentens, MOBI - Electromobility Research Centre
Step into the magical world of light at CurieuCity – faster than the speed of light!
What is light, and what can you do with it? Light can create the most fascinating effects. Be amazed by a variety of small experiments that you can perform all by yourself. Discover, step by step, how light works.
In the laser maze, direct mirrors and lasers to hit the target. Choose an object and take on the challenge alone or with others! Learn how a special lens works and watch an object suddenly turn upside down. Create your own magical three-dimensional image with a holographic lens. Are you seeing a real object or just a reflection of light? Make photos come alive with special colour filters. Did you know that colours work together?
DataBuzz , initiative of imec-SMIT in collaboration with the Flemish Community Commission (FCC) and Mediawijs.
Hop on board the DataBuzz, the first 100% electric mobile lab bringing all sorts of new educational technologies to Brussels.
Discover the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and data journalism through three exciting workshops, alternating for a younger audience (9-12 years) and an older audience (13-18 years):
1. AI Minigames: Robots, puppies & aliens
Can you protect humanity from an alien invasion? Take on the challenge! Through a game, you’ll learn playfully about the strengths, limitations, and challenges of artificial intelligence and machine learning. You’ll learn to distinguish human intelligence from artificial intelligence and even train an AI system yourself to identify aliens.
2. Breaking News!
Step into the shoes of a journalist! In this interactive workshop, dive into the fascinating world of data journalism, a form of investigative journalism where you uncover stories from numbers and dig deep into data. Discover how a data journalist works and learn step by step how to collect, analyze, and turn data into clear visualizations. You’ll also gain insights into how data can form the basis of a powerful journalistic story.
3. AI Zombie Apocalypse
Help prevent a zombie apocalypse! Luckily, AI is here to help. Can you train the system to tell humans from zombies?
In this workshop, you’ll learn all about the ethical and unethical aspects of AI.
To register click here:
Julie De Saedeleer - Inforsciences/ULB
The workshop offers an exciting treasure hunt through the history of cryptography. Come and learn how to play with the scitale of the antiquity, how to decipher the famous Caeser Code and Vigenère Code. Finally, take on the Enigma machine and discover the prime numbers behind the RSA code, still in use today. The game allows you to discover the evolution of cryptography, code-breaking methods (cryptanalysis) and their role in history. It also reveals the increasingly important role played by mathematics and computer science in this field. If you’ve always dreamed of becoming a secret agent, this is the game for you!
Workshop: max 25 people
Click here to register:
Precy Numbi
“I Create My own Cardboard Robot ” is a collective and participative workshop focused on art and recycling, aimed at young people/children. The eco-futuristic artist Precy Numbi offers a workshop where they create masks and robot costumes from cardboard and recycled objects.
They can build their own heroic robot costume. The workshop aims to raise awareness of our collective ecological responsibility in a multicultural and transgenerational space of dialogue.
The children, dressed as little robots, will become the main protagonists of the festival, alongside Robot Sapiens.
Workshop: max 20 people
To register:
Dive into a creative workshop where imagination meets recycling! Use recycled materials to design unique and inventive robot costumes. Add mechanical elements and take part in the creation of a large collective sculpture enriched with meccano parts.
This fun, hands-on workshop lets young and old alike become creators and bring to life costumed robots of their own inventiveness. It’s a not-to-be-missed opportunity to explore the world of robots from an artistic and eco-responsible angle!
Rone Fillet
The Woord voor Woord workshop guides people (aged 10 and up, from all language backgrounds) in using imagination and creativity to come up with new words related to climate, biodiversity loss, and more.
Woord voor Woord is part of Ecolect. The Ecolect is a collection of new words and represents a 21st-century climate lexicon that expresses emotions and frustrations surrounding the current climate crisis. The use of the right language is essential throughout the climate debate, but words are only one way to express ourselves.
The number of spots for this workshop is limited, so registration is required via the following link: Registration completed !
Under the banner of art and ecology, Enimsay invites you on a creative journey where words dance on the canvas of life. In a one-of-a-kind tapestry workshop, we gather around a circular canvas, 1.50 meters in diameter, woven from hemp, nature’s golden thread.
Participants, true artisans of biodiversity, are invited to form crosswords, like constellations of letters cut from recycled fabrics, sourced from the collective’s fabric library. Each fragment is a tribute to material, an echo of reuse and reinvention.
With the help of the Ecolect workshop, new words emerge, inspired by the rich and vibrant lexicon of biodiversity. These words, like precious pearls, are placed on the canvas as in a giant game of Scrabble and carefully fixed. True to its commitment to a sustainable future, Enimsay uses these materials to celebrate the richness of life and raise awareness of ecological challenges.
The workshop concludes with the addition of colorful shapes cut from various fabrics, creating a visual symphony of beauty and originality. The final piece, a tapestry radiant with collaboration and reflection on our world, is then presented to the public, inviting shared contemplation.
This artistic activity is meant to be an ode to co-creation, a tribute to ethical materials, and a space to raise awareness about environmental issues, blending creativity and pedagogy in a collective celebration of life.
You can join this workshop at any time. To make it easier to organise, you can also register here:
Christophe Albertijn
Le sol de la forêt est en partie visible et en partie caché sous la surface. Les champignons et le mycélium forment un réseau qui relie les deux. Avec nos oreilles, nous pouvons percevoir les divers sons de la forêt, mais la présence silencieuse des champignons nous permet d’imaginer un autre monde (sonore). Quel son produiraient-ils pour communiquer ?
En capturant soigneusement les sons les plus infimes et l’environnement plus large avec des microphones et des enregistrements, nous créons un terrain où nous pouvons laisser libre cours à notre imagination et rendre l’inaudible audible. Nous vous invitons samedi de 10h00 à 13h00 à un atelier dans le Parc Duden (point de rencontre @ Ten Weygaert) – Complet. Dimanche, vous pouvez venir écouter les résultats dans une installation audio / paysage sonore souterrain de la forêt. Plus d’information à suivre
Pour vous inscrire cliquez ici :