Wiels Talk

Petit Talk about the Marsh

Spokesperson for the Marais Wiels Moeras non-profit organization, Geneviève Kinet is one of the many Fé.e.s who, since 2015, have been cherishing, maintaining, observing, living, sharing, accompanying… the lake, its surroundings and their human and non-human inhabitants.

Prior to the purchase by the Region (which still intends to drain a good part of it to build on), the Fé.e.s created clean-up sessions. This is how the collective power of the people came together with the power of water to create the Wiels Marsh.

Geniève has a conversation with Valeria Cirillo, who conducted research at the University of Rome on the similarities between the Wiels Marsh and Lago Bullicante. This lake in the heart of Rome appeared in 1992, also as a result of a construction company drilling too deep. Expect a different perspective on ecology, community, and urban life.