
Biometrika Workshop

Bring your laptop to CurieuCity to explore the interaction between technology, body signals, and artistic performance during Biometrika Workshop!

Participants will receive instructions to learn the basics of electronics and computer coding, allowing them to use their own biosignals, such as heartbeats, to build real-time visual and sound effects.

We’ll be using TouchDesignerr, a tool for creating dynamic digital art (non-commercial version is free), and Thonny, an open-source software to program Raspberry Pi Pico. Please download and install both in advance on your laptop:
•⁠ ⁠TouchDesigner: https://derivative.ca/download
•⁠ ⁠Thonny: https://thonny.org/

We’ll help you if you need assistance. Together we’ll get started on your first prototype or guide you towards more advanced applications.

Biometrika—a project developed by Ohme in collaboration with Pilar and FARI—is an immersive and innovative experience blending art, science, and technology in a playful and participatory approach. The project also includes an artist residency. The deadline for the residency open call is 30/11/24.
👉 More info about the open call: https://ohme.be/call-for-applications-biometrika-residency/

To register click here: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-marolles