Construction of a greenhouse and a water collection tank with Molenbeek Saint Jean school

As part of the CurieuCity festival, Molenbeek Saint Jean school, in partnership with Fablab’ke and the Inforsciences department of ULB, developed an exciting pre-festival project: the creation of a greenhouse and a water recovery tank, followed by a botany workshop to scientifically observe what can be cultivated there.

This project, conducted from February to April 2024 with a primary class, emphasized the importance of material reuse and raising young people’s awareness of the circular economy and sustainability. It perfectly illustrates how informal learning and practical projects can inspire young generations to become responsible innovators and creators.

You could discover this project in the form of a photo exhibition – Fablab’ke Exhibition – and a workshop “Plants to crunch” at CurieuCity #1 – Discover the City of the Future, held from May 3-5, 2024, in Molenbeek.

Fablab’ke Exhibition – Fablab’ke, an educational digital manufacturing workshop, collaborated with students and their teacher to transform their garden. The children actively participated in every step of the project, from discovering the garden to the final assembly of the greenhouse and water recovery tank. The project aims to raise young people’s awareness of contemporary issues such as climate, green energy, and the circular economy. Visitors to the exhibition are invited to discover the hard work and creativity of the young participants through a series of photographs. These images testify to the children’s engagement in an innovative and fun educational process.

>For more information, visit the Fablab’ke website:

Plants to crunch – This workshop explores the anatomy of plants (fruits and vegetables) found in gardens and on our plates, showing that everything in the plant world is a true delight! Children aged 8 to 12 learn to connect everyday foods with the origins of the products we consume. By having fun in this “food laboratory,” children will appreciate the fruits and vegetables on their plates and be introduced to botany and the food pyramid.

>Find all the activities of the Inforsciences department of ULB at:

Themes: Urban Agriculture, Urban Food, Circular Economy, Informal Learning

#upcycling #horticulture #greenhouse #active learning #garden #youth #botany #nutrition #plant anatomy #food pyramid