Kosmos is an exciting pre-project designed for CurieuCity#3, that will take place over four workshops on 8/11, 15/11, 22/11, and 29/11.
In collaboration with students from Brede School Nieuwland and the organization Hubbie, this immersive workshop invites everyone to explore the fascinating universe of stars, comets, and planets through dance. In this interstellar experience, participants are guided by astrophysicist Else Magnus from the VUB and artists from Atelier Léon to discover and embody the mysteries of our galaxy.
They learn to mimic the movements of celestial bodies, such as the interactions between the Sun, Earth, and Moon, star collisions, and comet trajectories. This unique project, blending dance, scenography, and science, gives participants the opportunity to become moving celestial bodies, making tangible the force of a star that collides, grows, and implodes in a collective choreography.