Julie De Saedeleer - Inforsciences/ULB

Cryptography or How to become a good secret agent?

The workshop offers an exciting treasure hunt through the history of cryptography. Come and learn how to play with the scitale of the antiquity, how to decipher the famous Caeser Code and Vigenère Code. Finally, take on the Enigma machine and discover the prime numbers behind the RSA code, still in use today. The game allows you to discover the evolution of cryptography, code-breaking methods (cryptanalysis) and their role in history. It also reveals the increasingly important role played by mathematics and computer science in this field. If you’ve always dreamed of becoming a secret agent, this is the game for you!

Workshop: max 25 people

  • starting with : 11:00
  • starting with : 13:30

Click here to register: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-edition-speciale&language=fr