Urban Species


You are cordially invited to the second Trans-Specific Assembly of Les BruXelles Libérées.
Already confirmed: A marsh; A singing reedbed; Chlorophyll and protozoa; Sparrows and fairies, winged and otherwise. The Wiels Marsh is a place where new alliances are forged between humans and many other species. In this sense, it holds the promise of a new way of thinking about our relationship with the city and with living things. In this workshop, the Espèces Urbaines* research-action collective invites you to open the specXcraft** project briefcase, and collectively imagine and build bits of Brussels of the future. Starting with the Wiels Marsh, the species that inhabit it, the practices of those who care for it, and the material generated during the festival, participants will be invited to give shape to the second Trans-Specific Assembly of Liberated BruXelles.

To register click here: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-forest