Experimentarium Physique/Chimie - ULB & Inforsciences

Espace & vous

In recent years, sending people into space has become increasingly commonplace. But sometimes you’re sent to a space station, and you don’t know when you’ll be able to come back down.

On stage, three actors try to come up with solutions to help astronauts stuck on the International Space Station. Using whatever means available, they experiment and explain some of the basic principles that make these journeys possible

Duration of the spectacle: 30 min

To register click here: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-edition-speciale&language=en

ULB - inforsciences

Lichensgo – Exhibition

Discover the photo exhibition created by students in Secondary 5 Chemistry Techniques at the Athénée Royal Andrée Thomas. These students took part in Lichens GO, a participatory science programme aimed at assessing the quality of the air around us by studying lichens. 🌱

Lichens, slow-growing organisms sensitive to air pollution, play a unique role in measuring cumulative pollution over several years, complementing modern measurement sensors. Through this project, students were trained to recognise different species of lichen, understand their ecological role, and apply a scientific protocol in the field.

After their training, the students set off to explore the area around the Marais Wiels to assess local air quality using the Lichens GO protocol. Their observations and results are presented in the form of photographs exhibited at La Marelle, offering a visual insight into their work and the conclusions drawn from this study of the urban environment.

To see the pre-project, click here: https://curieucity.brussels/en/community/lichensgo-pre-festival-project/

This exhibition is a testament to young people’s commitment to environmental research and shows the importance of participatory science in understanding and preserving our environment.

Urban Species


You are cordially invited to the second Trans-Specific Assembly of Les BruXelles Libérées.
Already confirmed: A marsh; A singing reedbed; Chlorophyll and protozoa; Sparrows and fairies, winged and otherwise. The Wiels Marsh is a place where new alliances are forged between humans and many other species. In this sense, it holds the promise of a new way of thinking about our relationship with the city and with living things. In this workshop, the Urban Species* research-action collective invites you to open the specXcraft** project briefcase, and collectively imagine and build bits of Brussels of the future. Starting with the Wiels Marsh, the species that inhabit it, the practices of those who care for it, and the material generated during the festival, participants will be invited to give shape to the second Trans-Specific Assembly of Liberated BruXelles.

To register click here: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-forest

zoom Chlorophylle

Students from elementary schools

Focus on Chlorophyl – Exhibition

This exhibition is the fruit of work carried out during the ‘Focus on Chlorophyll’ workshop, conducted as part of the festival’s pre-project, with the participation of pupils from École des Sept Bonniers and École des Cèdres. They explored questions such as: Why are plants green? Where is chlorophyll found? How can pigments be extracted from plants? Through a variety of fun experiments, the pupils discovered the crucial role of plants in food webs and were introduced to the scientific approach.

The trophic webs created by the pupils in the Duden Park, the Wiels Marsh and the Bempt Park will be exhibited in photographic form at the Wiels Marsh.

To consult the pre-project, follow this link : https://curieucity.brussels/en/community/focus-on-chlorophyll-pre-project/

ciné-concert, guitare, migration, Société hyperdiverse

Maxime Jennes et Dimitri Petrovic (Les Meutes) + Jaqâmaz

The Way Back – Film concert

This activity is only available in FR

In August 2015, Hussein Rassim arrives in Brussels after traveling thousands of kilometers from Iraq. A year later, after obtaining his residence permit, he decides to travel to Greece. This musical road movie takes you through Hussein’s migratory journey and that of thousands of other migrants. Through his encounters and the countries he traverses, his story takes shape and gives a voice to the forgotten.

“The Way Back” is more than just a documentary. Hussein’s captivating journey helps us better understand the plight of migrants and the challenges they face. This engaging cinematic experience raises awareness of the complex reality of migration, sheds light on the individual stories behind the statistics, and questions European immigration policy. With its dual approach, “The Way Back” humanizes the phenomenon of migration while encouraging critical reflection on contemporary sociopolitical issues.

During this cine-concert, the screening of The Way Back is accompanied by live music performed by the band Jaqâmaz, which includes the film’s protagonists, Hussein and Juliette.

Jonathan Vigne (Repair Together asbl)

Planned obsolescence

Are you frustrated that your smartphone seems to be gradually slowing down even though it’s only 2 years old? Are you dreading the day when your printer breaks down for no apparent reason? We’ve probably all experienced this kind of problem before. Who is responsible for this? Is it programmed obsolescence?

In this interactive animation, we will try to answer these questions by analysing with you concrete cases that you encounter every day.

Super Terram & CiDéSol

Walk and soil analysis

Workshop available only in French

Join us for a workshop to discover the soils of Park West. The workshop will begin with an informative walk where we will collect soil samples while learning about the characteristics and impact of pollution on our soils. The 45-minute walk will be followed by a hands-on workshop on producing chromatographs to analyse the nutrient and carbon content of soil.

Soil chromatography is an analytical method used to separate and identify the chemical components present in a soil sample. The technique is based on the difference in speed at which substances move through a stationary support under the action of a mobile fluid. For soils, it is particularly useful for analysing the content of nutrients, carbon and other organic or mineral substances.

To register for this activity, click here.

dessin , migration, affiche campagne

Migration, au-delà des préjugés

They’re going to invade us

Workshop only available in French

Discover ‘They’re going to invade us’, a captivating interactive educational experience! Aimed at young minds, this activity plunges them into the heart of migration issues and the realities of refugees. It’s animated in a participatory way, awakening curiosity and encouraging analysis of the distribution of refugees across the globe in parallel with the prosperity of countries.

Deepen your understanding of economic and geographical disparities and embrace the challenges faced by migrants and refugees. This reflective journey culminates in an illuminating discussion of the obstacles encountered along the way, training young people in the critical thinking skills needed to navigate these complex issues. Join us for an unforgettable experience of sharing and learning!

To register for this activity, click here.

jeux,economie circulaire, recupération, circuits

Xavier Gazon

Circuit bending hub

This activity is only available in FR

In this interactive workshop, Xavier Gazon invites you to discover the art of circuit bending, a practice similar to hardware hacking. Learn how to hijack the internal circuits of electronic objects to create new sounds and sound effects. With a little imagination and creativity, you can give a second life to discarded devices and transform them into unique and original musical instruments. It’s a fun and educational experience, where music goes hand in hand with craft and innovation to create something truly unique.

Circuit bending and hardware piracy are often associated with the idea of “open source”, which encourages sharing and collaboration around knowledge and resources. This philosophy also applies to the field of electronic music, where circuit bending enthusiasts often share their discoveries, techniques and creations with other enthusiasts, encouraging the emergence of new ideas and projects.

Xavier Gazon is Belgian a music composer, sound artist and performer who works with modular synthesizers, homemade electronic instruments and electro-acoustic instruments.

To register for this activity, click here.

Aline Yasmin

Sound poetry and other landscapes

This activity is only available in FR.

Poet Aline Yasmin moves around the city, in different places and circumstances, to produce a sound installation highlighting the diversity of Brussels.

The poetic project stresses the importance of listening to the city and valorizing the richness of its multicultural human presence, which she calls the poetic soundscape.

The audio sequences, looped for 18 minutes, are designed to immerse the audience in a listening experience that highlights the diversity of Brussels’ everyday voices. This soundscape is an attempt to capture the essence of Brussels through its sounds – human and otherwise – interwoven with its thoughts.