puzzle, géometrie

Inforsciences - ULB

Geometric puzzle

A polygon is a closed geometric shape made up of line segments. Can any polygon be cut into a limited number of pieces and then rearranged into a square?

We invite you to explore this fascinating question through the game of puzzles. What about three- or five-dimensional spaces? Would things be different if we had the ability to divide our shapes into an infinite number of pieces? We encourage you to join us in the fascinating world of geometric dissection. Join us for an adventure into the world of geometric transformations through puzzles and intellectual challenges.

Thema’s: Stedelijke ontwikkeling, Architectuur, Informeel leren

#wiskunde #geometrie #architectuur

Bel Albatros

Bel Albatros

Visit Bel Albatros in Recy-K

Dive into the world of Bel Albatros during their open house at Recy-K.

Bel Albatros takes plastic waste and recycles it, transforming it locally into a responsible, sustainable new material that combines aesthetics with the qualities and characteristics of plastic. The idea is to offer an alternative to plastic materials currently on the market. It is a strong value proposition: making beauty out of waste.

Produced in a workshop in the centre of Brussels, these panels are 100% recyclable and suitable for the most common indoor and outdoor applications: furniture, cladding, worktops, etc., while offering a strong visual identity. The products are aimed at professionals who want to limit their ecological footprint while benefiting from the technical properties of plastic. They are available in a variety of shades and finishes, from translucent to terrazzo to marbled. The challenge is to produce bubble-free, wave-free panels with a constant thickness and a smooth texture. To achieve this, a whole series of processes must be implemented to ensure product quality.

Attend a demonstration of the recycling process, from collection to production, and actively participate by depositing a handful of recycled plastic into their machine, which will be used to create a unique plaque in honor of this first edition of CurieuCity.

To register for this activity, click here.

ville, paysage urbain

Pauline Vanden Neste & Tom Lyon


The Brussels Canal has undergone numerous changes throughout history. Once, it served as a natural barrier for the city, but today, this former industrial district undergoing redevelopment represents a significant economical, social, and real estate asset for the Brussels of tomorrow.

The photographic series “Zones” is a visual exploration of the areas around the Brussels canal. Through the lenses of young photographers Pauline Vanden Neste and Tom Lyon, you are invited to discover areas of this emblematic district, the way it comes alive, and the people who live there.

Formerly an industrial center, these areas are now the scene of major urban change, particularly within the framework of the Canal Plan, which aims to revitalise waterfront areas and create new residential and commercial spaces.


Noio Games (Thomas van den Berg)

Cloud Gardens

Explore the interaction between nature and urban planning in this creative video game. Plant seeds to rejuvenate and transform overgrown, decaying urban environments into thriving spaces. Create unique dioramas with the healing power of nature and let your imagination run wild as you turn urban landscapes into green paradises.

Cloud Gardens is a garden simulator, dystopian landscape builder and puzzle game that offers frustration-free fun. Share your creations with fellow gardeners, download videos of other dioramas, and immerse yourself in the generative soundscapes of Amos Roddy, the composer of Kingdom.

The relaxing nature of Cloud Gardens encourages creativity. The video game has a huge catalog of objects and plants for you to choose from.

Watch the trailer of the game via the following link: https://youtu.be/pZ6x-Ueoz_Y?si=wC4ggGXQjWLeg5b7


Mâalem Driss Filali & Koyo de Bxl

Discover Gnawa music

The music, singing, and dancing of the Gwanas are part of Moroccan folk culture. Originally, their musical performances were religiously inspired. However, the meeting between Gwana and Jazz musicians in the early ’70s made the music known outside the community as well.

Driss Filali is a ‘mâalem’ or Gwana master, and one of the key artists from the Moroccan diaspora in Brussels. He is a member of MetX groups such as Marockin’ Brass and Banda Quetzal, and is the co artistic coordinator of the Gwana training program Karkaba.

As the son of mâalem Selam, Driss Filali grew up in Morocco in a cummunity where Gwana culture is omnipresent. At a young age, he learned to play music with his father and his cousin, mâalem Hamid. Together, they perform during various lila’s, traditional spiritual healing rituals, in Morocco and at festivals in France and Belgium. Enjoy their captivating music rhythms and whirlwind choreographies at CurieuCity.