place holder forest

Sara Manente/ Sébastien Tripod/ Deborah Robbiano

Textile work from “Towards a Ruined Theater” (part of Fungi Expo)

The ‘Towards a Ruined Theater’ installation is the fruit of a unique collaboration between human, fungal and artificial intelligence. Sara Manente (choreographer and researcher), Sébastien Tripod (architect), and Deborah Robbiano (graphic and floral designer) together explore the idea of fertile ruins, where the theatre is transformed into living compost. Through images printed on textile, the installation evokes a space in perpetual transformation, where the creative process and decomposition become the essential elements of creation.

Visitors are invited to discover this theatre in the making, where fungi and mould play a central role, contributing to a reflection on the ephemeral and regenerative nature of art and architecture. This installation embodies the idea that nothing is stable, but that everything is constantly decomposing and regrowing, transforming the theatrical space into a living organism.