Julie De Saedeleer - Inforsciences/ULB

Cryptography or How to become a good secret agent?

The workshop offers an exciting treasure hunt through the history of cryptography. Come and learn how to play with the scitale of the antiquity, how to decipher the famous Caeser Code and Vigenère Code. Finally, take on the Enigma machine and discover the prime numbers behind the RSA code, still in use today. The game allows you to discover the evolution of cryptography, code-breaking methods (cryptanalysis) and their role in history. It also reveals the increasingly important role played by mathematics and computer science in this field. If you’ve always dreamed of becoming a secret agent, this is the game for you!

Workshop: max 25 people

  • starting with : 11:00
  • starting with : 13:30

Click here to register: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-edition-speciale&language=fr

Precy Numbi


ROBOT SAPIENS, this exhibition presents a living sculpture inspired by the logographic, transcultural, and eco-futuristic tradition, reinventing itself through performative art forms. Drawing inspiration from traditional masks and costumes, this artwork is created from recycled automotive and electronic waste. It steps outside the conventional museum setting to engage with a multicultural audience, symbolizing the reconciliation between innovation and the preservation of both tangible and intangible heritage.

The eco-futuristic artist, sculptor, and performer Precy Numbi explores the tensions between modernity and tradition in this exhibition, using the eco-futuristic costume as an artistic intervention armor. His creations, often made from electronic and technological waste, criticize the harmful effects of modernity on humans and the environment. By using materials sourced from overconsumption, he highlights the contradictions of our time: the promise of technological progress concealing the pollution and social inequalities it generates.

Additionally, this exhibition embodies the myth of artist Precy Numbi, who chooses to transform himself into a “robot sapiens.” Wearing armor inspired by the ceremonial attire of his tradition, he encourages the community to reflect on issues of environmental responsibility and the preservation of traditions. Here, art becomes a means of initiating a profound dialogue between modernity, artisanal heritage, and ancestral traditions.

Precy Numbi

I Create My own Cardboard Robot

“I Create My own Cardboard Robot ” is a collective and participative workshop focused on art and recycling, aimed at young people/children. The eco-futuristic artist Precy Numbi offers a workshop where they create masks and robot costumes from cardboard and recycled objects.

They can build their own heroic robot costume. The workshop aims to raise awareness of our collective ecological responsibility in a multicultural and transgenerational space of dialogue.

The children, dressed as little robots, will become the main protagonists of the festival, alongside Robot Sapiens.

Workshop: max 20 people

To register: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-edition-speciale&language=fr


3D pancake printing

With Printjepannenkoek, you can literally taste the fusion of tradition and innovation. With Printjepannenkoek, the art of making pancakes is taken to a whole new level!

Using one of the first pancake printers in the world, we create pancakes in any shape you desire. For CurieuCity, we are specially printing robot-shaped pancakes just for you.



Dive into a creative workshop where imagination meets recycling! Use recycled materials to design unique and inventive robot costumes. Add mechanical elements and take part in the creation of a large collective sculpture enriched with meccano parts.

This fun, hands-on workshop lets young and old alike become creators and bring to life costumed robots of their own inventiveness. It’s a not-to-be-missed opportunity to explore the world of robots from an artistic and eco-responsible angle!

Ugo Dehaes

Simple Machines

In Simple Machines, Ugo Dehaes shows how he grows, nurtures, and trains organic-looking robots as dancers in his basement.
We live in a world dominated by economic principles that push us to make everything as efficient and cheap as possible. In response, Ugo fired all his dancers and explored how he could grow and train robots himself. They are born from strange cocoons and crawl across the table like peculiar caterpillars. Some grow hair, while others scurry around like small dogs.

Using artificial intelligence, he allows them to create their own dance performance.
At this point, Ugo’s role as a choreographer becomes obsolete… Simple Machines is an attempt to make humans completely unnecessary in the creative process. Welcome to the future.

After the performance, the audience is invited to teach the robots new movements in the installation Arena, the first part of the Forced Labor cycle, which travels as the set for Simple Machines.

Running time: 1 hour

Performance starts:

  • 14:00 – NL
  • 16:00 – FR

To register click here: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-edition-speciale&language=fr

Experimentarium Physique/Chimie - ULB & Inforsciences

Espace & vous

In recent years, sending people into space has become increasingly commonplace. But sometimes you’re sent to a space station, and you don’t know when you’ll be able to come back down.

On stage, three actors try to come up with solutions to help astronauts stuck on the International Space Station. Using whatever means available, they experiment and explain some of the basic principles that make these journeys possible

Duration of the spectacle: 30 min

To register click here: https://www.billetweb.fr/curieucity-edition-speciale&language=en

Wiels Talk

Petit Talk about the Marsh

Spokesperson for the Marais Wiels Moeras non-profit organization, Geneviève Kinet is one of the many Fé.e.s who, since 2015, have been cherishing, maintaining, observing, living, sharing, accompanying… the lake, its surroundings and their human and non-human inhabitants.

Prior to the purchase by the Region (which still intends to drain a good part of it to build on), the Fé.e.s created clean-up sessions. This is how the collective power of the people came together with the power of water to create the Wiels Marsh.

Geniève has a conversation with Valeria Cirillo, who conducted research at the University of Rome on the similarities between the Wiels Marsh and Lago Bullicante. This lake in the heart of Rome appeared in 1992, also as a result of a construction company drilling too deep. Expect a different perspective on ecology, community, and urban life.

Caroline Vincart

Cycles & Variations

In Cycles & Variations, photographer Caroline Vincart captures the delicate interactions between scientists and their tiny subjects—rotifers. During her residency in Professor Karine Van Doninck’s lab, Caroline Vincart documented the repetitive yet precise nature of scientific research, drawing poetic parallels between DNA sequencing and digital imagery. Through her lens, the sterile laboratory environment becomes a place of artistic reflection, where science and humanity meet. This photo series offers a rare glimpse into the microscopic world and the subtle variations that drive the evolution of life.

Ophélie Lhuire

Evolution Game – Original drawings

Marvel at the stunning original drawings that bring the Evolution Game to life. Illustrator Ophélie Lhuire, known for her detailed and scientifically inspired artwork, presents intricate black-and-white illustrations of various species, from mollusks to crustaceans. These hand-drawn works evoke the timeless wonder of nature’s evolution, reminiscent of historical engravings with a contemporary twist. Presented as standalone pieces, these drawings highlight the delicate balance between art and science, inviting you to explore the beauty and complexity of life on Earth.