ciné-concert, guitare, migration, Société hyperdiverse

Maxime Jennes et Dimitri Petrovic (Les Meutes) + Jaqâmaz

The Way Back – Film concert

This activity is only available in FR

In August 2015, Hussein Rassim arrives in Brussels after traveling thousands of kilometers from Iraq. A year later, after obtaining his residence permit, he decides to travel to Greece. This musical road movie takes you through Hussein’s migratory journey and that of thousands of other migrants. Through his encounters and the countries he traverses, his story takes shape and gives a voice to the forgotten.

“The Way Back” is more than just a documentary. Hussein’s captivating journey helps us better understand the plight of migrants and the challenges they face. This engaging cinematic experience raises awareness of the complex reality of migration, sheds light on the individual stories behind the statistics, and questions European immigration policy. With its dual approach, “The Way Back” humanizes the phenomenon of migration while encouraging critical reflection on contemporary sociopolitical issues.

During this cine-concert, the screening of The Way Back is accompanied by live music performed by the band Jaqâmaz, which includes the film’s protagonists, Hussein and Juliette.

exposition, bruxelles, archives

CIVA (Centre for Documentation of Brussels) and La Fonderie (Museum)

Archive images of industrial architecture in Brussels

This activity is only available in NL-FR

This small exhibition, organized by CurieuCity, presents a selection of archive images provided by CIVA and La Fonderie, offering a fascinating glimpse into the history of industrial architecture in the Belgian capital, specifically in Molenbeek.

The photos of industrial architecture executed in the late 1970s and early 1980s depict the essence and evolution of various significant industrial sites in the Brussels Region. They highlight the Weststation, the breweries of Vandenheuvel, the refinery, the foundry, the market of the slaughterhouses (Abattoirs), and the storage facility of the MIVB in Enghienstraat.

The photos are accompanied by the historical knowledge of guide Bernard De Plaen. He provides us with insight into the history, the industrial revolution, and the development of the city. This exhibition offers you a glimpse into Brussels’ industrial architectural heritage and the evolution of the neighborhood in which we find ourselves.

>> Presence of guide on saturday and sunday from 2 PM – 6 PM

* CIVA – Centre for Information, Documentation and Exhibitions on the city, architecture, landscape and urban planning in the Brussels-Capital Region

* La Fonderie – Brussels Museum of Industry and Labour

Jonathan Vigne (Repair Together asbl)

Planned obsolescence

Are you frustrated that your smartphone seems to be gradually slowing down even though it’s only 2 years old? Are you dreading the day when your printer breaks down for no apparent reason? We’ve probably all experienced this kind of problem before. Who is responsible for this? Is it programmed obsolescence?

In this interactive animation, we will try to answer these questions by analysing with you concrete cases that you encounter every day.

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Super Terram, CiDéSol & Bruxelles Environnement

Soil and dialogue: screening and debate

Discover the earth around us at a special screening followed by a fascinating debate on the state of soil in Brussels. This unique programme will begin with a short documentary exploring the challenges and solutions of urban soil management. After the film, take part in an enriching exchange with members of Super Terram, CiDéSol and Bruxelles Environnement.

This exchange will be an ideal opportunity to gain a better understanding of local environmental issues and discover what is being done to preserve the health of our soils.

Super Terram & CiDéSol

Walk and soil analysis

Workshop available only in French

Join us for a workshop to discover the soils of Park West. The workshop will begin with an informative walk where we will collect soil samples while learning about the characteristics and impact of pollution on our soils. The 45-minute walk will be followed by a hands-on workshop on producing chromatographs to analyse the nutrient and carbon content of soil.

Soil chromatography is an analytical method used to separate and identify the chemical components present in a soil sample. The technique is based on the difference in speed at which substances move through a stationary support under the action of a mobile fluid. For soils, it is particularly useful for analysing the content of nutrients, carbon and other organic or mineral substances.

To register for this activity, click here.

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Felix Aerts & Arshia Alia Azmat

Talk on your neighbourhood of the future

Join us for an engaging debate and Q&A session featuring Arshia Ali Azmat and Felix Aerts at Park Ouest. a community organiser and a graphic designer, working with the Brussels Centre for Urban Studies as well as on the research project “WELCOMIN – Community Welfare Mixed Infrastructures”. Her work probes the nexus of culture, housing, and politics, aiming to envision a city that is more accommodating for all its residents. With a background in coordinating a cultural network addressing migration and social justice within artistic realms, Arshia brings a unique perspective to urban community welfare.

On the other side, Felix Aerts represents Toestand vzw, a rapidly expanding non-profit focused on revitalizing temporarily vacant spaces for social and cultural uses. Their current initiative transforms the area between Beekkant and Osseghem into Park Ouest—a space for community building, sports, relaxation, and more.

This discussion will delve into the future of the neighbourhood and the ongoing development of Park Ouest. Attendees are invited to contribute their visions for their community’s future, engaging with various scenarios inspired by prospective research. Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of your community through active participation and forward-thinking dialogue.

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Geometric puzzle

A polygon is a closed geometric shape made up of line segments.

Can any polygon be cut into a limited number of pieces and then rearranged into a square? We invite you to explore this fascinating question through the game of puzzles.

What about three- or five-dimensional spaces? Would things be different if we had the ability to divide our shapes into an infinite number of pieces?

We encourage you to join us in the fascinating world of geometric dissection. Join us for an adventure into the world of geometric transformations through puzzles and intellectual challenges.

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Modern jazz meets Arabic maqâms

Bel Albatros

Bel Albatros

Visit Bel Albatros in Recy-K

Dive into the world of Bel Albatros during their open house at Recy-K.

Bel Albatros takes plastic waste and recycles it, transforming it locally into a responsible, sustainable new material that combines aesthetics with the qualities and characteristics of plastic. The idea is to offer an alternative to plastic materials currently on the market. It is a strong value proposition: making beauty out of waste.

Produced in a workshop in the centre of Brussels, these panels are 100% recyclable and suitable for the most common indoor and outdoor applications: furniture, cladding, worktops, etc., while offering a strong visual identity. The products are aimed at professionals who want to limit their ecological footprint while benefiting from the technical properties of plastic. They are available in a variety of shades and finishes, from translucent to terrazzo to marbled. The challenge is to produce bubble-free, wave-free panels with a constant thickness and a smooth texture. To achieve this, a whole series of processes must be implemented to ensure product quality.

Attend a demonstration of the recycling process, from collection to production, and actively participate by depositing a handful of recycled plastic into their machine, which will be used to create a unique plaque in honor of this first edition of CurieuCity.

To register for this activity, click here.

Irene Gutiérrez Torres & Rola Zamzameh

Meet the artist – Reel Borders & Cinemaximiliaan

Join us for a conversation and film projection with Irene Gutiérrez Torres (VUB, Reel Borders) & Rola Zamzameh (Cinemaximiliaan).

Reel Borders studies how borders are imagined through film. Reel Borders presents a collection of shortfilms made during a participatory film workshop in Ceuta, a Spanish enclave in North Africa, on the border with Morocco. These films offer a unique view of the world through the eyes of these women, bringing their stories and experiences to the forefront in a compelling and authentic way. Participatory cinema thus becomes a powerful tool for advocacy and empowerment for these women, allowing them to raise their voices and share their perspectives with the world.

Cinemaximiliaan is a platform by and for newcomers in Belgium, with a love for cinema and other artistic and cultural practices of storytelling, aiming for warm dialogues with the people of their new homeland.