In Simple Machines, Ugo Dehaes shows how he grows, nurtures, and trains organic-looking robots as dancers in his basement.
We live in a world dominated by economic principles that push us to make everything as efficient and cheap as possible. In response, Ugo fired all his dancers and explored how he could grow and train robots himself. They are born from strange cocoons and crawl across the table like peculiar caterpillars. Some grow hair, while others scurry around like small dogs.
Using artificial intelligence, he allows them to create their own dance performance.
At this point, Ugo’s role as a choreographer becomes obsolete… Simple Machines is an attempt to make humans completely unnecessary in the creative process. Welcome to the future.
After the performance, the audience is invited to teach the robots new movements in the installation Arena, the first part of the Forced Labor cycle, which travels as the set for Simple Machines.
Running time: 1 hour
Performance starts:
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