exposition, bruxelles, archives

CIVA (Centre for Documentation of Brussels) and La Fonderie (Museum)

Archive images of industrial architecture in Brussels

This activity is only available in NL-FR

This small exhibition, organized by CurieuCity, presents a selection of archive images provided by CIVA and La Fonderie, offering a fascinating glimpse into the history of industrial architecture in the Belgian capital, specifically in Molenbeek.

The photos of industrial architecture executed in the late 1970s and early 1980s depict the essence and evolution of various significant industrial sites in the Brussels Region. They highlight the Weststation, the breweries of Vandenheuvel, the refinery, the foundry, the market of the slaughterhouses (Abattoirs), and the storage facility of the MIVB in Enghienstraat.

The photos are accompanied by the historical knowledge of guide Bernard De Plaen. He provides us with insight into the history, the industrial revolution, and the development of the city. This exhibition offers you a glimpse into Brussels’ industrial architectural heritage and the evolution of the neighborhood in which we find ourselves.

>> Presence of guide on saturday and sunday from 2 PM – 6 PM

* CIVA – Centre for Information, Documentation and Exhibitions on the city, architecture, landscape and urban planning in the Brussels-Capital Region

* La Fonderie – Brussels Museum of Industry and Labour