Informal learning

CurieuCity transcends traditional learning methods by valuing emotions, art, sensory experiences, creativity and imagination in science learning. This multi-dimensional approach brings together individual subjectivity and scientific rigour, highlighting the fact that science, far from being a simple quest for knowledge, is also a rich and captivating human adventure.

The CurieuCity programme, based on innovative teaching methods and expertise in educational science, combines a diversity of subjects and a variety of approaches. It is a buffet of learning and discovery accessible to all, offering everyone the chance to find something inspiring or interesting.

Informal learning is at the heart of our approach. We believe that learning is not limited to the walls of the classroom, but can happen anywhere, at any time and at any age, through interactions with our environment and with others. Whether exploring nature, playing or marvelling, every experience offers an opportunity to develop scientific literacy.

What’s more, we adopt a mediation rather than a popularisation approach to our scientific communication. Mediation acts as a translation between scientific and everyday language, recognising the importance of the learner’s prior knowledge and the need for mutual involvement without hierarchy.
These approaches will be enriched by the interactions and discussions you have during your visit, whether with scientists, artists or other participants. CurieuCity is based on the principles of social constructivism and knowledge sharing, which emphasise social interaction and the impact of culture on the development of knowledge.

Active teaching is also at the heart of a host of workshops and visits where you are invited to take an active part in building your own knowledge. This will also be the case in CurieuCity’s Games Area, where the fun aspect is essential. Here you can see how gamification can transform learning into a dynamic and motivating experience that encourages autonomy, wonder and persistence, while stimulating your curiosity.

As you stroll through Park West and Molenwest, you’ll notice CurieuCity’s commitment to using the arts to talk about science. Research now recognises the importance of emotions and feelings in our ability to learn. CurieuCity is exploring new ways of creating these beneficial synergies for our well-being and our brains by adopting an interdisciplinary approach based on ArtScience and STEAM methods. The aim is to enhance curiosity, creativity and problem-solving through innovation and collaboration, while exploring nature, culture, society and the human condition in an analytical and sensitive way. At CurieuCity, it’s all about knowing, analysing, experiencing and feeling at the same time.

In short, CurieuCity adopts a global approach and transcends disciplinary boundaries to stimulate curiosity, wonder and reflection, essential resources for navigating a constantly changing world and for thinking together about our city of the future.

It seeks to go beyond the simple transmission of knowledge by inspiring its visitors to become passionate explorers, equipping them with the skills to interact creatively and critically with others and with the world around them.

CurieuCity is much more than just a festival; it’s an invitation to a journey of exploration and discovery, where science becomes a source of joy and a vehicle for personal and collective change. Join us on this exciting adventure! Don’t hesitate to engage in conversation with our on-site mediators, who will be on hand to answer your questions and enhance your experience.

Come and take part, and let yourself be carried away by the magic of scientific discovery!