Urban planning and architecture

Our cities are dynamic ecosystems, constantly being reshaped by the forces of history, culture and innovation. CurieuCity invites you to explore the future of cities through the prism of architecture and urban development. Immerse yourself in the challenges and opportunities that will shape the cities of tomorrow.

Urban planning is the process by which local authorities and urban planners design and organise the development of cities and metropolitan areas. It aims to improve the quality of life of residents by structuring the use of space in an efficient and sustainable way. This discipline encompasses the development of public spaces, traffic management, access to essential services, the preservation of green spaces, and the regulation of architecture and building construction to meet the economic, social and environmental needs of the community.

Urban planning aims to create sustainable, inclusive and resilient cities. It addresses issues such as population densification, transport and smart cities, while seeking to improve quality of life and reduce environmental impacts.

CurieuCity offers a variety of activities that combine creativity, technology and environmental awareness. Participants are invited to explore and reflect on sustainable urban planning strategies and architectural innovations for more inclusive and sustainable cities.

Two photographic exhibitions offer different perspectives on heritage and urban evolution in Brussels. At Molenwest, the CIVA and La Fonderie are presenting a dive into the city’s architectural and industrial history through photographic archives illustrating the impact of industrialisation on its urban landscape. In parallel, ‘Zones’ at Park Ouest, by Pauline Vanden Neste and Tom Lyon, explores the diversity and vitality of the Canal district, capturing the constant evolution of urban neighbourhoods.

Leo Van Broeck’s talk highlights key concepts such as spatial humility and intelligent densification, and their importance for urban development that respects the environment and promotes biodiversity. Other speakers such as Arshia Ali Azmat and Felix Aerts offer a variety of perspectives on how well-designed urban development can improve the quality of urban life while preserving nature.

In the heart of Molenbeek, the Gare de l’Ouest is a symbol of opportunities for urban development and community revitalisation. The guided exploration by Brukselbinnensteubuiten reveals the hidden aspects of the neighbourhood, with its collective initiatives such as vegetable gardens and self-managed parks. The Carré & Co neighbourhood urban design workshop shows how sustainable development and community design are transforming the urban landscape. These activities highlight the synergy between urban planning, architecture and civic engagement, demonstrating that sustainable cities are built with the direct involvement of citizens.

CurieuCity is also focusing on creating eco-friendly cities that are resilient in the face of climate change, through interactive workshops on the circular economy, the use of artificial intelligence and urban (re)greening. The BC Materials workshop will showcase sustainable construction practices that illustrate the eco-friendly use of local resources.
In addition, Lesley De Cruz and Andrei Covaci (VUB) are running workshops using LEGO blocks and artificial intelligence to illustrate how green spaces can improve Brussels’ microclimate and quality of life.

Dynamorphe’s Pézize art installation will enrich the festival with its ephemeral and playful architecture, inviting visitors to imagine nomadic spaces. By exploring advanced geometric forms and innovative architectural techniques, it reinforces the idea that architecture can expressively and dynamically transform our everyday spaces and interactions.

Other workshops, such as “Geometric Puzzles” and “Building like Leonardo”, demonstrate ingenuity in architecture. They adapt ancient methods to design modern cities, underlining the importance of innovation, science and creativity.

CurieuCity’s Video Games area offers educational games that encourage collaboration and reflection on sustainable urban practices. Titles such as Cloud Gardens, Terra Nil and Little Cities VR allow participants to simulate the reintegration of nature into cities. These fun experiences are not just entertaining, they educate about the importance of urban ecology.

CurieuCity activities don’t just showcase the latest trends in urban planning and architecture; they take you on an interactive and educational journey that illustrates new ways of building inclusive and sustainable cities. CurieuCity aims to stimulate your thinking and inspire you to take action, both individually and collectively, in creating our urban environments. By combining art, technology and community engagement, the festival invites you to play an active role in transforming our neighbourhoods into more functional, enriching and environmentally friendly spaces.

Join us in building a better urban future together!