jeux,economie circulaire, recupération, circuits

Xavier Gazon

Circuit bending hub

This activity is only available in FR

In this interactive workshop, Xavier Gazon invites you to discover the art of circuit bending, a practice similar to hardware hacking. Learn how to hijack the internal circuits of electronic objects to create new sounds and sound effects. With a little imagination and creativity, you can give a second life to discarded devices and transform them into unique and original musical instruments. It’s a fun and educational experience, where music goes hand in hand with craft and innovation to create something truly unique.

Circuit bending and hardware piracy are often associated with the idea of “open source”, which encourages sharing and collaboration around knowledge and resources. This philosophy also applies to the field of electronic music, where circuit bending enthusiasts often share their discoveries, techniques and creations with other enthusiasts, encouraging the emergence of new ideas and projects.

Xavier Gazon is Belgian a music composer, sound artist and performer who works with modular synthesizers, homemade electronic instruments and electro-acoustic instruments.

To register for this activity, click here.