stand avec materiel de réparation

Repair Together asbl

Mobile Repair Café

The Mobile Repair Café is a traveling and collaborative object repair workshop. It is the mobile version of the Repair Cafés that moves around to bring the co-repair experience to life. It includes:

– A reception area to ask your questions, learn about Repair Cafés, discover our missions and actions, discuss new modes of consumption;

– A repair space equipped with all the necessary tools and a large workbench to perform repairs together, learn, discover, share;

– A “café” area to meet people, wait for a repair, connect with Repair Café volunteers, and exchange ideas with neighbors…

The Mobile Repair Café is a traveling tool to discover the values and operation of Repair Cafés, to participate and share knowledge about repair, to raise awareness about waste reduction and the circular economy, and to strive for a more sustainable world.

Depending on the skills of the volunteer repairers present on the day, you can come and repair small appliances, electronic devices, computer equipment, bicycles, clothes, and/or sharpen your kitchen knives and scissors!

People will be served in the order of arrival.

Jonathan Vigne (Repair Together asbl)

Planned obsolescence

Are you frustrated that your smartphone seems to be gradually slowing down even though it’s only 2 years old? Are you dreading the day when your printer breaks down for no apparent reason? We’ve probably all experienced this kind of problem before. Who is responsible for this? Is it programmed obsolescence?

In this interactive animation, we will try to answer these questions by analysing with you concrete cases that you encounter every day.